Tag Archive | thinking cap

“Ribbon Challenge!”

Over at Home and Scrapped there is a challenge for April created by the lovely Jewels to use some of your ribbon stash! Mine is over flowing like everyone elses, so I thought I would have a go!!  A couple of things you have to do is use a white card-stock base, create a ribbon background and use a pic of yourself and journal a little about what you are up to now!!! Got my thinking cap on and this is what I came up with!!

I had heaps of little bits of ribbons tied to my metal dress form that I store them on and this gave me the idea to tie the bits and create a background!

It took me a while but I am happy with the result . I just added a few scraps around the edge, a recent photo of me and a few bits of info about me!

I titled it “TODAY” and journaled……..

– I love my scraping

– JJ has me hooked on iced coffee

– I am enjoying my walking with my friend

– It is great spending time with my boys!!

Hop on over and have a go at the great challenges the DT have come up with for April!!

TFL 🙂 Kerri x