Tag Archive | weekend

“Weekend Away!”

Yep, finally a weekend away!!

Cody entered the first Australian Spartan Race which was held on the 2/3/2013 in Wonthaggi, Victoria. It is like a big challenging obstacle course. We decided to make it a weekend away as I hadn’t been down there before and we found accommodation at Phillip Island which is only about 15 mins away 🙂

We had a great weekend and it was ‘jam packed’, think we needed a few more days lol! 🙂 Might go back in October to the next one, but will see what happens 🙂

Cody finished the race and I watched from the spectators area!! It was very windy but not cold! He had a great time and I am proud of his achievement when he gets a bit of asthma also. He paced himself and it was great to see his determination and fight! 🙂

001                                     The event was well run and very organised!

007I used my Nikon the boys bought me last year and it was great to find Cody in the crowd at the Start! 🙂

If they didn’t get the obstacle done in the first attempt they had to do 30 Burpees 😦 Cody only missed two from the whole course!

022-001This is one of my faves of the day! He is having fun and is in there giving it his all 🙂 If they missed an obstacle on the first attempt they had to do 30 burpees! He only missed two for the whole race. At the end, when they were totally stuffed they had to get past some ‘gladiators’. Cody used his head and waited for some guys to go then he ducked and weaved his way through 🙂

024-001At the finish, covered in mud and so in his element! 🙂 Got the medal and the t-shirt to prove he did it 🙂 He was a bit battered and bruised for a few days, but he is happy he entered!

We also had a look around the island so a few more photos if you would like a peek! 🙂

037On Friday night we went to see the Penguin Parade, where the Little Penguins, who only live here in Aus. They come up onto the beach every night and into their nests! We weren’t allowed to take photos 😦 but as hard as it was I didn’t 🙂 It was so cool to see them and they are not frightened and we got really close to them coming up on the boardwalk 🙂 This photo is called the ‘Nobbies’ where the seals and penguins enjoy the sun! There was a few seals out on the far rocks but couldn’t get close enough to take a photo!


As you can see it was very windy all weekend, but that didn’t deter us to go down and have a look 🙂 We had a great look around and then headed back for some dinner and a look in a few local shops and the Chocolate Factory! We were having a great time and didn’t want to go home, as you do 🙂

On the way home we decided to stop in a t the Koala and wildlife park, as we had time. Who can resist our furry friends! Not me lol!

041-001                  This is George, we were lucky enough to see him awake and active 🙂 We got the inside info on them from the Ranger!                                              Cody got some great pics in the park!

051-001It was fun feeding the Kangaroos and Wallabies! These little guys loved the attention 🙂

105-001                                       They are so gentle and they get very well fed 🙂

120-001                                           Too early for the Tassie Devils 🙂

112-001We were also lucky enough to see an Albino Kangaroo and Wallaby. Not many of these the Ranger told us! It was great to see some of Victoria we hadn’t visited before, but it was also nice to come home to our own beds!

If you get a chance to go down that way, make sure you do as it is so lovely and really puts you into ‘holiday mode’ 🙂

TFL 🙂 Kerri x

“Weekend Project!”

Sorry I haven’t been around for a few days! I have been enjoying watching the Australian Open Tennis, the usual jobs that need doing, organizing for J and Cody to stay here with me for a bit while their dad gets himself settled, enjoying time with the boys as school goes back here on Wednesday, visiting mum and dad, keeping out of the heat, getting my car fixed, and visiting a couple of friends.   🙂 Not much really!!

And……..mum and dads house has been sold in record time and I am wrapped it will all soon be settled! 🙂

So this weekend I have been enjoying a bit of time out and a ‘off the page” project!  When we were cleaning the house I rescued a set of old cassette drawers that were going out as I thought I could make some sort of scrap storage out of them! 🙂 I wasn’t sure what to use them for, but after a bit of blog hopping for some ideas and asking a couple of friends on Facebook for their ideas I came up with this! 🙂


As you can see they are old-looking and a bit bland but I had

a plan……

IMG_1368-001With some pattern papers and some washi tape, I transformed them! 🙂 I took the old wood grain laminate stuff off and they look much better! 🙂

IMG_1372-001This shows inside the drawers. I used some cardboard  from cereal boxes and the inserts from some packets of SU DSP, cut to the size of a cassette case and wound my ribbons, twines etc on them and secured with pins! 🙂

IMG_1420-001And this is now my useful drawers on my desk and in arms reach! My craft caddy sits on top also. All sorted by colour, labeled and ready to use.  It was amazing what I had forgotten I had! It will be nice to use some of the lovely ribbons and trims that I have received through friends and swaps 🙂

I wonder what you have at home that you can transform! 🙂

TFL 🙂 Kerri x